Rose and Lily Bouquet
Rose and Lily Bouquet
Celebrate any occasion in style with the Rose and Lily Joy bouquet! This stunning arrangement features a timeless blend of red roses and pink lilies, creating a beautiful gift for birthdays, anniversaries, get-well wishes, or just because.
Each bouquet is carefully handcrafted by a local NYC florist, ensuring every detail is perfect. With a mix of red roses, pink roses, pink lilies, alstroemeria, and purple waxflowers, this floral masterpiece is paired with a keepsake clear vase wrapped in a decorative ribbon for that extra special touch.
• Pink Asiatic Lilies
• Pink and Red Roses
• Purple Waxflowers
• Alstroemeria
• Glass Vase
Same-Day Flower Delivery:
We’re excited to offer same-day delivery across New York City, powered by our local florist network. Place your order by 3 pm in the recipient’s zip code to ensure same-day arrival. Next-day and future delivery options are also available. Please keep in mind that weekend and holiday delivery cut-off times may vary.
Freshness Guarantee:
We always strive to deliver the freshest flowers possible, but occasionally, our florists may need to substitute similar blooms or containers to ensure your bouquet looks its best. Rest assured, each arrangement is created with care and attention to detail.