Pastel Daisy & Rose Delight Bouquet
Pastel Daisy & Rose Delight Bouquet
Brighten someone’s day—or your own—with this delightful combination of pink roses, daisy poms, and carnations. With its soft colors and understated charm, this arrangement is a beautiful way to show your appreciation or send a thoughtful gift to friends or family, whether it’s for a special occasion or just because this bouquet is sure to bring joy to anyone who receives it.
• Pink Roses (Deluxe and Premium Sizes Only)
• Pink Carnations
• White Daisies
• Seasonal Greens
• Personalized Card Message
Pet Safety Precautions:
While this bouquet brings beauty into your home, please keep it out of reach of pets, as some flowers and foliage can be toxic to them.
Same-Day Flower Delivery:
Available throughout New York City with our local florist network, same-day delivery is available when you order by 3 pm in the recipient’s zip code. Next-day and future delivery options are also available. Please note that delivery cut-off times may vary on weekends and holidays.
This precious pink and white arrangement is a lovely way to bring happiness, no matter the occasion!