Monique Birthday Bouquet
Monique Birthday Bouquet
A lovely birthday bouquet from our friends at Ode à la Rose.
The Monique bouquet is a stunning blend of soft pinks and creams, accented with rich burgundy touches for a striking and elegant look. This client-favorite arrangement features seasonal blooms like Quicksand roses and leucadendrons, offering a unique and gorgeous combination perfect for any occasion.
This arrangement includes:
• Roses
• Snapdragon
• Alstroemeria
• Carnations
• Leucadendron
• Waxflower
• Seasonal Greens
Each stem is carefully clipped to 15” and tied together with raffia for a beautiful, rustic presentation. To keep your flowers fresh for 5-7 days, we include flower food and detailed care instructions with every order.
The 34-stem arrangement is pictured.
For deliveries in NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Austin, Miami, and Washington DC, Monique arrives in our 16” signature gift box, with the bouquet placed in a water-filled travel container to ensure hydration. In all other locations, the arrangement is delivered overnight in a specially designed box wrapped in water-filled paper to protect the flowers during transit. The blooms are topped with tissue paper for extra protection, and your personal note is printed on a gift card, securely tucked alongside the bouquet with any vase or additional add-ons.