Felice Birthday Bouquet
Felice Birthday Bouquet
A lovely birthday bouquet from our friends at Ode à la Rose.
Felice is a most enchanting blush bouquet, offering a dreamy combination of white and pink roses, pink alstroemeria, lisianthus, and veronica, all accented by baby blue eucalyptus. These delicate blooms evoke sweet, soft daydreams and add a touch of elegance to any setting, making it a perfect gift for any occasion.
This arrangement includes:
• White Mondial Roses
• Pink Mondial Roses
• Pink Alstroemeria
• Pink Lisianthus
• Veronica
• Eucalyptus
Each stem is clipped to 15” and arranged in a tight, raffia-tied bouquet for a simple yet sophisticated presentation. We include flower food and detailed care instructions to keep your bouquet fresh for 5-7 days.
For deliveries in NYC, Chicago, Los Angeles, Austin, Miami, and Washington DC, Felice arrives hand-delivered in our 16” signature gift box, nestled in a water-filled travel container to ensure freshness. For all other locations, it is delivered in a special overnight box, wrapped in water-filled paper to protect the flowers during transit. Topped with tissue paper, your personalized note is printed on a gift card and tucked securely alongside the bouquet with any vase or add-on options.