Deluxe Red Rose Bouquet
Deluxe Red Rose Bouquet
This stunning bouquet of one dozen vibrant red roses, delicately arranged with sprigs of baby’s breath, captures the essence of love and romance. Nestled among fresh floral greens, the timeless beauty of the roses takes center stage, creating a breathtaking display.
The arrangement is completed with a sophisticated red glass vase, adding an extra touch of elegance. Whether for an anniversary, a special occasion, or just to say “I love you,” this bouquet perfectly expresses heartfelt emotions.
• One Dozen Red Roses
• Baby’s Breath
• Red Glass Vase
• Complimentary Gift Message
Same-Day Flower Delivery:
With our trusted network of local florists, we offer same-day delivery across New York City when you order by 3 p.m. in the recipient’s zip code. Next-day and future delivery options are also available. Please note that delivery cut-off times may vary on weekends and holidays.
A classic and romantic gesture, this bouquet of red roses will leave a lasting impression on anyone lucky enough to receive it.